Tuesday, March 10, 2015

100 Baby Challenge Chapter 2

    Well good afternoon!  Last we left Kami and kiddos, Lanna, number 13 was newly born.  Today brings two more babies, 4 moved out kiddos, 3 aged up and another pregnancy!! Whew, the house is quiet now with one teen and 2 kids but the newest baby is sure to shake things up.  The trips, Gabbie, Hannah, and Issabelle all received A's in high school and moved out into a house together in Oasis Springs.  Jackson followed suit and he and Katie aged up on the same day, here's a picture.

    Katie grew into a beautiful teen and we said goodbye to Jackson as he became a young adult. Little miss Lanna is standing in the middle of the second picture.
    Happy Birthday Katie and Jackson!

    So as I mentioned Lanna aged up into a child today, she got some new style via CAS.  Sometimes the auto generated outfits are downright hideous lol.  She's currently a B student in elementary school and should be aging up to a teen here shortly.  She's got the creative bug so I'm not sure what aspiration we'll choose.

    Lanna needed some cheering up.
    Lanna getting the creative juices flowing

     After the long week at at school both girls, Lanna and Katie were sent to the park with some friends to work on skills and get some much needed time away from homework.

    Meanwhile Kami found herself over at Christoph Nordones for a little romp and pregnancy number 14!  Then she left for home and tended garden for awhile, those veggies don't grow themselves.

    Pregnancy Gardening

     Well Jackson was allowed to be up too long and fell flat on his face.  Don't worry, this was over the weekend so he was able to make up that sleep in no time at all.

    Kami created a masterpiece as well.  It's not the first one but we didn't sell it because it was only worth like $313, she's sold one that was at least $1k so we'll wait for bigger money makers.  It was definitely a pretty painting though.

     Kami was super tired and decided to sleep it off and in the middle of that little rest she went into labor!  I feel like all we do is seduce guys and then painfully wait for babies.

    We welcomed baby girl Maribelle to the Turner family.  She also aged up to a child and is a whiz kid with the geek trait.

    Mirabelle using logic to solve this chess game

    Not long after Mirabelle made her presence known in the house, Kami took off to find her next baby daddy.  Blaze Huang was the unsuspecting victim this time and during that encounter Johnny Zest saw the flirtatious encounter and now hates Kami.  Oh boy, the drama was thick here.

     The encounter with Blaze did result in another pregnancy.  Whoohoo!! Seriously lol, baby number 14 on the way.  Although Kami did wear herself out a little too much and ended up face to sidewalk that night... oops.
     So the next three sim days came and went, all girls raising their grades in school, no A's yet but I suspect we'll have another teen here shortly.  The days passed with paintings, books, gardening, exercising and making sure that fridge is stocked for the times Kami doesn't feel up to cooking.

    All of a sudden this girl decides to get on the treadmill and puts herself right into labor.  I definitely felt like baby 14 was taking their sweet time showing up.  I like that Kami has taken to the treadmill, she's trying to keep in shape. I mean after 10 pregnancies she's looking pretty good.  Those hips were definitely looking rough before she bought the exercise equipment.

     So she labored and labored and baby Nathan arrived.  He's cute as a button but I can't say that I'm not saddened that he didn't bring along a twin or triplet this time.   Kami hasn't lost hope though, she no more popped out Nathan and was back on the prowl for the next dad.
     Chris and Liam Hemsworth moved into town and she set her eyes on Chris, I mean who can resist Thor!  Plus he's the better looking of the two :)  Anyways, I digress.  Kami made an impromptu visit to the Hemsworth household and got her claws stuck in Chris and alas, we're on to baby number 15!!  Hopefully 15 shows up with at the very least 16 too.  

    Kami and Chris, will they have just 1??
    Kami bought the fertile trait after she had the triplets thinking it would increase her chances of more multiples but since that time she's only had single babies.  Sometimes I think I messed with a good thing, it's super frustrating considering the goal of the challenge is to have 100 kids age up to YA and out of the house in as little generations as possible.  

    We're tied up on girls and boys right now, 7 of each.  The Hemsworth baby will tip the scales in one direction, and the name will start with O.  Leave your feedback on what you think this baby might be and name suggestions if you have any!  Until next time simmers.


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