Tuesday, March 31, 2015

100 Baby Challenge Chapter 5

    Good evening simmers!  Gosh it's been a while since I've posted a blog.  So much has happened because I play nearly every day, I'm going to try and break it up into a few chapters so I don't over load your senses on what has happened.

    Last we left Kami and kids, Kami was pregnant again and expecting number 19 with Jakob Finch.  She also added the fertile trait again so we're hoping for twins.  Russell aged up to a child and he got the mean trait.  It was awesome having two mean sims in the same household. There was a lot of anger and aggression.
    The day after Russell aged up Kami went into labor!!

     I'm pretty sure she was on the treadmill again or gardening when she started her labor process. It was morning and the kids were at school so it was nice and calm in the house for Kami.

    Kami and Jakob welcomed a baby girl!! Kami named her Samantha.  At this stage Samantha is the 6th child during Kami's adulthood and the 4th girl.  Kami's still too young to stop having kiddos so Samantha probably won't be the matriarch.  With that said Kami set out to find her next man, and without much trying she found him.

    Meet Alexander Wooley, he's evil, clumsy and hot-headed.  Whew, that's a combo.  By the time the kids got home from school Kami was pregnant again.  This chick just doesn't waste any time.  Kami (well all female sims in general) doesn't age during pregnancy so the less time we waste getting pregnant the more babies she can have and thus get us further down the challenge. Wonder what this baby will be.  Any guesses?

    Happy Birthday Nathan!
    Well the kids got home from school and hooray! Nathan and Ophelia both achieved A's in high school and became young adults.  Qadira also achieved her A in elementary school and became a teen.  Birthdays are so exciting and sad at the same time, but we definitely have to make room for more sims.  Both kiddos moved out and on to bigger things in life.  I wish that were true but since TS4 doesn't continue storylines any more it's not like the sims go on working or achieving things on their own.  I usually just move them out and they stay out of the world.  It's sad really.

    Happy Birthday Qadira

    Happy Birthday Ophelia

    Teen Qadira

     I feel like all Kami ever does is have babies and paint.  She's making some pretty decent money though.  She's cranked out a few masterpieces and that has definitely done good things for the bank account.  Building and adding to the new house has definitely drained the account a lot.  Plus all the toilets and sinks we're replacing just seem to be endless.  Kami repairs what she can but when all 3 are on the fritz sometimes it's just better to let bygones be bygones and cough up the cash to replace them.

    Samantha aged up as well, she's a cute kid and I'm looking forward to seeing how she ages up.  She has her dads black hair and pretty much looks like all the other kids, except for Nathan, he just looks like his dad.  Samantha got the creative trait so I'm sure she'll be using that little drawing table Kami bought a while back.

    Penelope aged up to young adult, it's so nice when there's efficiency on grades and moving out.  Moving out sims means more room for more kids and the higher the chances at having multiple births.  At this moment there are three kids left in the house, Qadira, Russell and Samantha.  Fingers are crossed for Kami's pregnancy to be twins or even triplets.  Triplets would make it a full household.
     Well the next day Qadira was trying to level up her cooking during breakfast and damn near set the house on fire.  She did manage to ruin the stove and one of the counters.  How Kami has had two daughters try to burn the house down is beyond me but I guess I'm glad it hasn't been every teen that has attempted to ruin the house.  They only ones who have tried to set the house on fire though have been born in the new house, and cooking on the new stove which is super expensive.  These girls really need to cool it.
    So after a fire everyone is in a pretty horrible mood, the moodlet stays for 24 hours, which makes for pretty poor performance all around at school and at home.

    Instead of hanging around the house and sulking, Kami decided to be proactive this time and go out and scope the playing field for her next man.  She visited the museum and found Mateo Schuler.  Buff and just enough red-neck looking for her.  The one thing I can say is Kami doesn't really have a type.  If they'll flirt back with her, she'll sink her teeth in somehow.  It was quite a long day and the stress of the fire must have sparked her to go into labor.

     Night time deliveries are so fun.  Oh look, another yellow bassinet, must just be one baby again.  By now I've figured out that the color of the bassinet doesn't correlate to the gender of the baby so it really is a coin toss at this point.

     SHUT UP!! We got twins!!! One girl and one boy.  I'm way freaking excited right now.  Baby girl got the name Trixie and baby boy got the name Ulrich.  That U name was a difficult one to come up with.  I had to google baby names again.  I can't even explain how excited I am to see twins again, it's been 10 pregnancies since the last set of multiples and that was the triplets Gabbie, Hannah and Issabelle.

    Well as usual, Kami wastes zero time getting pregnant again.  She calls up Mateo and low and behold she's pregnant again.  This chick has got to be so tired of getting pregnant over and over again but she doesn't seem to mind it much except during pregnancy.  I've learned to watch her during pregnancies because she's always hungry and ALWAYS has to pee.

     Qadira became a young adult the next day and moved out.  Sad to see her go, she looks so much like Nick, it's crazy.  I knew she was his as a child.  She has the same green eyes and facial features he does.

    TS4 has done a great job in the genetics department.  They really made it so that children get some of the features from both parents and even mimic body types.  I was really surprised at how well this game was really done.  Sure there are things that could have been better and there are things that I wish had been there at launch but no base game comes out perfect and especially with all the added graphics it's just a very nice looking game.  I'm really looking forward to the expansion.

    So I leave you here, Kami has had 21 babies thus far and is working on 22 or maybe 23 and 24 as well :)  Who knows.  Well I do of course but you'll have to wait until next time for the rest of the juicy stuff.  At this moment in the game there's a patch about to be released but of course in real time it's here and the new expansion has released as well.  In the next chapter you'll hear all about the trouble the new patch gave me and what new things we added to the house.

    Until next time, happy simming.

    Sunday, March 22, 2015

    A Death in the Family...

      Hiya Simmers!  Today I decided to make another save game of the Turners but I wanted to play the triplets, Gabbie, Hannah, and Issabelle.  From what I can tell you can't take a family portrait in the Sims 4 which kind of sucks and I think that it would be cool to be able to have something like that for us bloggers but oh well.  I took some screen shots today of them and you can see what the girls look like all grown up.

       Here's Gabbie, the oldest of the triplets.  She's a painter and in the painter extraordinaire career track.
      Hannah is the middle twin.  She's the athlete of the bunch.  She's on the pro athlete career track right now and currently works as a mascot.
       Issabelle is the youngest triplet and has the insane trait and she's on track to be a comedian.  Our dear Issa might have a a lot to laugh and to cry about in her future but we hope that she can take comedy from her everyday life.
       The girls really love their house, they got a pool today and have definitely put it to some good use.  They've had lots of family visiting since they ventured out on their own, Kami even comes to visit every now and then.  Something happened today that I'd never personally witnessed as a simmer, mainly because I bounce around with the sims so much that I don't normally stick with a family so long.  Issabelle found and lost a love in a span of 24 hours.  It was quite devastating.

      The morning started off as any Wednesday normally would, she didn't have to work so Issabelle finished working on her guitar skill.  She went outside to meet a visitor and his name was Trenton Collazo, she was smitten with him right from the beginning.  They hit it off, and he was cute too, Trenton was a little older than Issa but that didn't matter to them, they were in love.  They spent the day talking and flirting. Issa asked Trent to be her boyfriend, he said yes!  She was so excited, then she thought she might take it one step further and ask him to stay the night, he said yes to that too.  Oh how could life get any sweeter?  She thought, he might just be the one she'd spend her forever with.  That evening after a romp between the sheets and a failed pregnancy test, because Issa like her mother just doesn't play around with starting a family, Trent aged up to an elder while Issa was asleep, AN ELDER!  He was much older than she had suspected, but that didn't matter to Issa, she loved Trent and wanted to be his forever, no matter how much time that meant she had.  After she woke up she prompted Trent for another romp between the sheets and he agreed.  She was definitely going to ask him to move in today, she didn't want to spend any more time away from him than necessary.  After Issa and Trent were done she realized he wasn't looking so good and she hoped he would lay down with her and get some rest.  Well after their little tryst in bed, he got up and dropped to the floor while she was napping.

      When Issa woke up, she found the Grim Reaper taking Trent while her sister Hannah watched.  Issa couldn't believe her eyes, her one, her only, the man she wanted to spend forever with was gone!

      Issa took another pregnancy test because they had tried for a baby again and there was a possibility she could have conceived.  Devastated by the failed test the night before and the loss of her first love Issa received some bitter sweet news, Issa was pregnant.  She didn't get to tell Trent that he would be a father, she won't get to raise their child together and their child won't know it's father.  Issa will press on, she'll continue to work and find joy in life.  At least she has her sisters to support and love her.  The three of them can take on anything the world throws at them right?

      Thursday, March 19, 2015

      100 Baby Challenge Chapter 4 *Edited*

        Well hello there and welcome back to my version of the 100 baby challenge on The Sims 4 platform.  Chapter 3 ended with nabbing another guy Nick Bee.  Kami has had lots of changes.  So let's jump in where we left off.  Kami and crew said goodbye to Lanna and Maribelle.  On that same day Kami went into labor with baby number 17 who's dad is Nick Bee.  Unfortunately I didn't capture any pictures of the baby but here's some pictures of Kami fully pregnant and getting ready to have that baby.

        Look at that belly.  
        And what will baby 17 be?
         Baby 17 was a girl and her name is Qadira.  Like a I said I didn't actually get any pictures of her as a baby but I did when she aged up.

        Kami wasted zero time and actually called up Eric Lewis for her next adventure into mommy hood.  She met Eric in front of the house and decided he would be the next man for her 18th child.  Here's a picture of Kami and Eric.

         The encounter was a success and Kami became pregnant with #18.  At this point Kami is about 14 days away from being an elder and will be slowing down with child bearing shortly but we're going to keep on going as long as we can.  I'd like to have my last girl aged up to young adult before Kami becomes and elder so we can just keep on going but we'll see how it goes.  Maribelle came to visit the day before Qadira aged up.  All Kami's kids come back to visit pretty often.  It's nice for the younger kids to know the older ones while they're growing up.
        Maribelle playing chess with Penelope and chatting with Ophelia
         The next sim day Qadira aged up, she came out with this weird hair do and just as I was going to get her into CAS to update her look my computer blue screened.  It was so frustrating so we had to play the day over and consequently she came out with the same hair do but a different outfit.  Kami did get an updated look though.  Her hair lightened and she opted for a more comfortable outfit for pregnancies   I changed her clothes because otherwise how would you know I wasn't posting the same pictures over and over again?  She got a complete overhaul though, it was nice to giver her a fresh look.

        Nathan also aged up that evening after school.  I was so happy that two kids had birthdays on the same day, it makes me feel productive.

        Happy birthday Nathan!  He looks just like his father and has one of the weirdest body types.

        The next morning after all the kiddos went to school I set on the task of bulldozing and rebuilding the house.  When you start this game you have to play with the money you have and then make money from there, which doesn't make for such a nice home.  After we sold things and kept what we wanted the Turner household had about $72K simoleons. I'll do a blog about the house, I didn't actually take photos during the rebuild process but I hope to update the house as we go.

         Ophelia also got an updated look and aged up to teen in the new house.  Happy birthday Ophelia. I made sure to update her wardrobe after she aged up as well.  Sometimes the game really picks some interesting choices for outfits.

         Kami went into labor on the same day Ophelia aged up.  This is Eric Lewis' baby.  I don't know why I make her labor at home, maybe if I were going to have my own mini humans that's how I'd want to do it.  Anyways, here we go with baby number 18, the first baby born in the new house.

         Baby number 18 was a boy!  His name is Russell.  I also failed to get baby pictures of him, but I feel like all the babies look the same so it's really pointless to take pictures of things like that.  Now if toddlers were in the game I could take all kinds of fun screenshots.

        Ophelia tried to burn the new house down while she was attempting to make grilled cheese.  It was quite the event and had the whole house freaking out.  We didn't have enough money to re-purchase the stove so it went broken for a few days until Kami had done enough paintings to make up the money.

        Poor Ophelia, the whole house was in a bad mood after this happened.  It took them a solid 24 sim hours to get over the fire.  With everyone in such horrible moods it was hard to get anyone to want to do anything.  No one aged up or performed well in school.  Nathan had to take a Friday off of school because he was so sour.  On that Friday Russell aged up.  Russell is a whiz kid and got the mean trait from the random generator.  He and Nathan had an awesome time playing chess together since they're both mean and Nathan is also childish.  I'm hoping on the next school day I have two teens that come home and age up to young adult.  I need to make some room for more babies.

        The house currently sits at 6 sims, and Kami is 12 days from aging up.  She went ahead and found another man, Jakob Finch so she's currently expecting baby number 19.  I also re-purchased the fertile trait for her to see if we could maybe get another set of twins but we'll see.  I can't wait to see what this next week will bring for the Turner family.  The next baby will have an S name.  I'm going to have to put my thinking cap on for which names I want for this next one.

        I totally forgot to mention that Penelope aged up to teen.  I can't believe I forgot that.  She is really beautiful.  I am pretty proud of her makeover too.  She is Liam Hemsworth's daughter and I gave her a punk look.  Here's her birthday pictures.

        Happy Birthday Penelope

        She's just beautiful! 

        Until next time... dag dag

        Wednesday, March 11, 2015

        100 Baby Challenge Chapter 3

          Evening Simmers!!  Last I left you with a challenge to see which way the baby scales were going to be tipping and pick an O name.  I didn't have any takers but lets see what today brought the Turner family.

          Nathan aged up!!  He got the whiz kid aspiration and the mean trait... he should be a fun child.  He's leveled his skill he needs and has stayed on top of his homework so I expect he'll get his A in grade school in the next sim day.  He's visited the park with his older sister Maribelle with some of his older siblings too.  

          Nathan aged up while the rest of his siblings were at school so he had all day to work on his homework and skills.  On this same day Katie aged up to a young adult and Lanna became a Teen.  I didn't get a picture of Lanna aging up but I did get one of Katie.
          Katie moved into her own house shortly after aging up and was just waiting on Lanna to age up so they could live together.  Seems like I love moving in all my kids together so they aren't alone.   

          Kami also had her baby on this day... drum roll please...  it's a GIRL!  Welcome baby Ophelia.
          Kami and baby Ophelia
          Kami, as usual wasted no time in getting herself another man.  However, before she took off to find another man I used a cheat code to remove the fertile trait that I purchased Kami from the rewards store.  I figured she was super good at getting multiples before and we've had six babies since the fertile trait and no multiples, so frustrating.  I decided to see how it works.  
          Kami coincidentally happened to head back over to the Hemsworth house and added Liam to her list of baby daddies.  She was flirting with him while Chris was in the house!! For shame! Not really, nothing is off limits when it comes to this challenge, at least when it comes to nabbing the guy.

          Ophelia aged up during a school day so she worked on her skills and homework so she would be prepared for the next day.  Gotta get these kids rolling and out of the house as quickly as possible to make room for new babies.
          A very pregnant Kami was in full baking mode after school, Lanna became a young adult and Maribelle became a teen!! How exciting for these two.  Lanna moved in with her sister Katie and Maribelle is working on getting to young adulthood as quickly as possible.  She'll probably find herself living with her two older sisters as well.
          Happy Birthday Lanna!!

          Happy Birthday Maribelle!!

           Kami loves to exercise during her pregnancies, healthy mom, healthy baby right??  I don't think it matters so much in TS4 as it did in TS3 but it can't hurt.  This is Kami with baby #15

          Labor time!!  Do we even the score with this one or not??   
          Tah-Dah!  It's a girl for Liam and Kami as well!!  Baby 15 is named Penelope.  We have great hopes for this little one. 

          Again after the baby was born we set out on our mission, I wanted to nab Nick Bee, he's married and also happens to be the sim persona of my real life hubby.  We each have sims in game, I think every person makes themselves a sim, at least I hope you do.  He wasn't home but Rachie was and we didn't want to deal with that so Kami went to the gym in Oasis Springs and the drama unfurled.  Kami decided to hit on J Huntingon III and it did not go well. It was a pretty tense situation.

          There's Mehki Durbin, Don Lothario and I don't know who else standing there getting all pissed off at Kami while she's flirting with J. J did not want anything to do with Kami so she left and went back over to the Bee household to see if Nick was home, and guess what?!?!  He was!!  Last time she encountered him he was pretty resistant to her charms so I was hoping that we would get somewhere with him tonight.
          Well I leave you with the next baby daddy... Nick Bee.  Yes, Kami nabbed her first married man!!

          Stay tuned to find out if pregnancy 13 will result in just baby 16 or more.
          Have fun simmers.