Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Death in the Family...

    Hiya Simmers!  Today I decided to make another save game of the Turners but I wanted to play the triplets, Gabbie, Hannah, and Issabelle.  From what I can tell you can't take a family portrait in the Sims 4 which kind of sucks and I think that it would be cool to be able to have something like that for us bloggers but oh well.  I took some screen shots today of them and you can see what the girls look like all grown up.

     Here's Gabbie, the oldest of the triplets.  She's a painter and in the painter extraordinaire career track.
    Hannah is the middle twin.  She's the athlete of the bunch.  She's on the pro athlete career track right now and currently works as a mascot.
     Issabelle is the youngest triplet and has the insane trait and she's on track to be a comedian.  Our dear Issa might have a a lot to laugh and to cry about in her future but we hope that she can take comedy from her everyday life.
     The girls really love their house, they got a pool today and have definitely put it to some good use.  They've had lots of family visiting since they ventured out on their own, Kami even comes to visit every now and then.  Something happened today that I'd never personally witnessed as a simmer, mainly because I bounce around with the sims so much that I don't normally stick with a family so long.  Issabelle found and lost a love in a span of 24 hours.  It was quite devastating.

    The morning started off as any Wednesday normally would, she didn't have to work so Issabelle finished working on her guitar skill.  She went outside to meet a visitor and his name was Trenton Collazo, she was smitten with him right from the beginning.  They hit it off, and he was cute too, Trenton was a little older than Issa but that didn't matter to them, they were in love.  They spent the day talking and flirting. Issa asked Trent to be her boyfriend, he said yes!  She was so excited, then she thought she might take it one step further and ask him to stay the night, he said yes to that too.  Oh how could life get any sweeter?  She thought, he might just be the one she'd spend her forever with.  That evening after a romp between the sheets and a failed pregnancy test, because Issa like her mother just doesn't play around with starting a family, Trent aged up to an elder while Issa was asleep, AN ELDER!  He was much older than she had suspected, but that didn't matter to Issa, she loved Trent and wanted to be his forever, no matter how much time that meant she had.  After she woke up she prompted Trent for another romp between the sheets and he agreed.  She was definitely going to ask him to move in today, she didn't want to spend any more time away from him than necessary.  After Issa and Trent were done she realized he wasn't looking so good and she hoped he would lay down with her and get some rest.  Well after their little tryst in bed, he got up and dropped to the floor while she was napping.

    When Issa woke up, she found the Grim Reaper taking Trent while her sister Hannah watched.  Issa couldn't believe her eyes, her one, her only, the man she wanted to spend forever with was gone!

    Issa took another pregnancy test because they had tried for a baby again and there was a possibility she could have conceived.  Devastated by the failed test the night before and the loss of her first love Issa received some bitter sweet news, Issa was pregnant.  She didn't get to tell Trent that he would be a father, she won't get to raise their child together and their child won't know it's father.  Issa will press on, she'll continue to work and find joy in life.  At least she has her sisters to support and love her.  The three of them can take on anything the world throws at them right?


    1. Oh no, poor Issa! You have to be careful about overexerting Elder Sims. Too much woohoo and too much exercise can kill them, they're much more frail than they were in previous Sims games.

      I just wanted to stop by and say I've been reading your blog and I'm enjoying reading about your baby challenge adventures. I'm Ashleigh825 from The Sims forums. I didn't expect the rules I wrote for the TS4 Baby Challenge to become the officially recognized rules but it's been fun seeing what other people are up to in their challenges. I have a Sims blog, too, but I'm not documenting my baby challenge there. I'm doing two legacy challenges. I have more of a story style to my blog. Here's the link if you want to check it out:

      See you around the forums! :)

    2. Hi Ashleigh! I definitely figured that out, I didn't realize how frail elders really are. I'm definitely enjoying the challenge and reading everyone's stories. Thanks for following. I should have another chapter up shortly. I really need to catch my blog up to where I actually am in game. I've been slacking.
